CDA Ninette 1

Semi-automatic labelling machine for cylindrical products

  • Structure: Stainless steel and aluminium

  • Suitable for all cylindrical shapes

  • Industries served: drinks, chemical, cosmetic, paints/dyes and food

  • Labels up to 17 products a minute and 1000 bottles per hour

  • The machine is operated efficiently with a user-friendly touchscreen

  • Labelling: One label

The CDA Ninette 1 is a semi-automatic machine that produces precise and efficient adhesive labelling of cylindrical products. It is ideal for wine and beer bottles, cans, bottles, vials and jars. It can label up to 17 products a minute and 1,000 bottles an hour.

Sectors using this technology include wine producers, brewers and the food and cosmetic industries which shows how very versatile this semi-automatic labelling machine is.

Equipped with a labelling station, it allows label application on many formats and components (glass, PET, PVC).

The Ninette 1 impresses by its ease of use, its robustness and is a quality product at a reasonable price.

For the filling of your products labelled by the Ninette 1, you can choose the CDA K-Net Auto or semi-automatic CDA K-Net.

If you need a semi-automatic labelling machine that can apply two adhesive labels, CDA recommends the Ninette 2.


CDA Ninette 2