CDA Ninette Tube

Semi-automatic labelling machine for labelling hollow tubes.

The CDA Ninette Tube is a semi-automatic machine for the precise application of a label on hollow tubes including silicone containers, toothpaste tubes and styling gel bottles.

It is easy to use and excellent value for money.

This semi-automatic labeller is perfectly suited for very small to medium-sized business operating in a range of sectors including food processing, chemicals, cosmetics and paint production.

Equipped with an intuitive touch screen for easy operation, the Ninette Tube can apply labels on up to 15 products per minute.

Container shapes



  • Easy to use and control

  • Excellent value for money


  • Labelling rate……………………………………………Up to 15 products a minute

  • Machine control……………………………………….User-friendly touch screen

  • Labelling…………………………………………………Up to two labels

  • Structure…………………………………………………Stainless steel and aluminium

 Industrial sectors



Chemical production

Chemical production

Beauty Industry

Beauty Industry

Wines and spirits

Wines and spirits

Paint Industry

Paint Industry

Food processing

Food processing


CDA Ninette Flat


CDA Ninette Auto