Automation for start-ups

How automated packing lines can help productivity and increase throughput of products, increasing business scale


When any new business starts up it is vital it is based on the most effective operating model to ensure the sustainability and success of the venture. There are many decisions to make and here we consider what the considerations are for those industries who use packaging lines as the final stage of production.

Should a start-up invest in a workforce or spend more upfront and invest in automated technology to replace some of the roles which have traditionally been done by humans? Which is more efficient and cost-effective in the long run?

The packaging industry traditionally had to employ staff to do both the packing and then the quality control - something which has worked since the industrial revolution but is it the best option in today’s high tech world? 

When automation first came into use it was not welcomed by all as it was seen to replace the need for people and lead to job losses. But this need not be the case. Not only has it made the workplace safer, it has eliminated the need for employees to do the boring and mundane jobs and provided them with the opportunity to learn new and more interesting skills. 

Making the workplace safer

It may sound harsh but humans can have more shortcomings and be more costly than technology in the long run. Staff are not consistent and can generate processes that waste both time and money. Manual packaging processes can lead to bottlenecks in production and humans are not infallible - mistakes happen. Labour intensive processes can be expensive and they are variable making it difficult to cost out and price up products.

Automated packaging is standardised resulting in a set cost per product. One of the most common ways to save money is to automate processes and eradicate wastage. As automation is more cost effective it also enables businesses to be more profitable, expand and create more secure jobs.

Businesses of all shapes and sizes can take advantage of the labour, material and cost-saving benefits afforded by automated packaging solutions. New technology is making it easier than ever for start-ups and small businesses to automate. Packaging automation uses machinery to put food into tins or liquids into bottles, wrap, label, code and strap them. Automated packing systems are very diverse and can be bespoke to manage specific products. 

Reliable and consistent

There are many benefits to automation. Automated systems, unlike humans, don’t get tired of the mundane task of inspecting item after item throughout the day. Automated systems identify errors just as effectively at the beginning of the day as at the end and are more reliable. They identify not only the issues picked up by the human eye but up to 100 per cent of errors, doing a better job than their human counterparts. 

Packaging keeps products safe and makes them look attractive and is the first thing customers see. Automated systems ensure not only highly consistent packaging but better quality control. This keeps customers happy and is key to a loyal customer base and repeat business.

Automation is undoubtedly more reliable resulting in less downtime. It can not only multitask but increase production speed and, as the manual packing process is not holding it up, it can run at full capacity. It enables longer production hours not having to stop for workers’ breaks and can run 24/7 if needed.

Environmental benefits

Automated packing is also environmentally friendly as it uses well-defined patterns, a standard amount of material, cuts it to size and ensures minimum waste. This leads to less storage space being needed.

When considering whether to opt for an automated packaging system a lot needs to be taken into account to ensure a good return on investment. Business owners need an accurate picture of their current costs and production capabilities and then need to calculate the value of the increased production speeds achieved through an investment in automation. But, at the end of the day, automated packing generally decreases production costs and increases production output resulting in a more profitable business and the creation of more jobs.

If you’re running a small FMCG manufacturing business or thinking about starting one, it might pay you to consider automation from day one.

Zoë Robinson

Marketing and communications consultant supporting businesses and organisations in the UK with intelligent branding and effective communications.

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