CDA K-one
Versatile precision peristaltic filling pump
Developed by CDA engineers from the finest materials on the market, the K-ONE peristaltic filling pump has a reputation for its high precision and versatility.
CDA’s K-ONE peristaltic pump can be used in both automatic or semi-automatic dosing machines on a complete packaging line. Alternatively it can be used in manual mode for packaging small quantities.
The peristaltic technology has numerous benefits. The product does not come into contact with the pump, enabling an easy and efficient hose change and reduced cleaning time. The risks of cross-contamination are considerably reduced.
This is the ideal technology for packaging hygiene, health and agri-food products including e-liquid, natural flavours and essential oils.
The K-ONE filler is controlled by an easy to use touchscreen which enables visualisation and rapid modification of all controls.
Suitable for
Automatic or semi-automatic mode
No contact with the pump for a quick product change and easier cleaning
Easy use and settings
Production rate…………………………………………..Up to 1500 products an hour for 10mL
Filling accuracy……………………………………………+/- 1 per cent
Functions……………………………………………………Volume, speed, acceleration, deceleration, reaspiration
Special features………………………………………….Correction with automatic calculation, prime, reverse rotation, batch production in semi-automatic mode and memory for 96 lines
Industrial sectors
Food processing